February 23, 2005

2005-2006 Officers

(Maryville, TN)--The Maryville College Democrats held their annual elections on February 22, 2005 to elect their 2005-2006 officers. Congratulations to the 2005-2006 officers!

Alex Youn, President
Anna Benson, Vice-President
Anna Nichols, Secretary

Alice Brank, Treasurer
Joe Norskov, Communications Director
Zoë Sams, Activities Coordinator
Luke Haverland, Co-Membership Director
Lauren Sipe, Co-Membership Director

“We are committed more than ever to keeping the Democratic Party moving in the right direction,” said Maryville College Democrats President Alex Youn.

The Maryville College Democrats plan to hold several joint events with other on campus such as the Environmental Action Team, C.L.O.S.E.T., and Black Student Association to name a few.

For more information, continue to check out their blog at http://maryvillecollegedemocrats.blogspot.com


February 17, 2005

What's the Crisis?

(Maryville, TN)--Alright, let's face it, social security is boring, pointless, and there is no need to worry about it now--WRONG!! (Okay, maybe the boring part)

The Maryville College Democrats will be hosting a presentation called "Social Security: What's the Crisis?" on Monday, February 21, at 6:30pm. The presentation will be in Lawson Auditorium located in the basement of Fayerweather on Maryville College's campus.

Villanova University Professor of Political Science, Justin Green, and Economist and Knox County Democratic Party Chairman, Jim Gray, will be speaking at the event.

Discussion will include the history behind social security, what the problem is, and current proposals for Social Security.

Just keep this in mind: What ever happens, those under the age of 50 will be affected. Not only can some of the affects be positive, but they can be negative as well.

For more information on this event, please contact Alex Youn.


February 16, 2005


Starting Tuesday, February 22, the Maryville College Democrats will be selling “thinkBLUE” wrist bands for $2 each. The wrist bands are like the Lance Armstrong "Livestrong" bands except they're blue and say "thinkBLUE." The main idea behind the wrist bands are:

  • Elections matter everyday, and not just on a certain Tuesday in November.
  • Our country is STILL headed in the wrong direction.
  • I voted blue, I plan to vote blue.
  • Pay attention.

A portion of the proceeds will go toward The Red Cross (Tsunami Relief Effort). Tables will be setup on Tuesday, February 22, in Pearson’s from 11:00am-1:00pm and Bartlett Student Center from 1:00pm-3:00pm. The will also be available for purchase at Bi-Weekly meetings on Tuesday in Bartlett Student Center. If you are not able to pick one up and would like to purchase one, contact Alice Brank or Alex Youn.

Thanks again, and remember to “thinkBLUE.”

--Maryville College Democrats

February 12, 2005

A message from Chairman Dean

Today your representatives elected new Party leadership. But more importantly they endorsed the idea that our Party must always be led by the people — because your participation makes the Democratic Party a powerful force for change.

Our success depends on every single one of us taking responsibility for our Party's future. We have to commit to an active role in the political process. And we have to grow the Democratic Party in every single state so we can protect the values that bring our Party — and the vast majority of Americans — together.

We have new leadership and new energy. And thanks to your hard work and Terry McAuliffe's solid leadership we have enormous opportunities.

Please read my plan for our Party — and send me a note about yours. Together our work will make our Party stronger. Thank you.

--Chairman Howard Dean

February 09, 2005

The 2006 Bush Budget

The 2006 Bush Budget: Breaks Promises, Targets Tax Increases onto College Students, Forces Students to Pay More for College

- President Bush shortchanges education for the fourth year in a row and cuts education funding. With his first budget of his second term, President Bush proposes to cut funding for the Department of Education by $530 million, despite increasing college costs and the challenging academic requirements under the No Child Left Behind Act. President Bush also eliminates dozens of key programs, reducing the Federal investment in education by over $4.2 billion. [House Education and the Workforce Democratic Caucus, 2/7/05]

- President Bush breaks promise on Pell Scholarships again falling nearly $1,000 short of his $5,100 pledge. President Bush's Budget breaks his promise to provide a $5,100 Pell scholarship, only increasing the maximum Pell by $100 this year, falling nearly $1,000 short of his promise to students. [House Education and the Workforce Democratic Caucus, 2/7/05]

- President Bush forces millions of low and middle-income students to pay thousands more for their college loans. The Bush budget eliminates the current low fixed consolidation rate benefit. According to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS), this change will force the typical student borrower to pay $5,500 more for his college loans. [House Education and the Workforce Democratic Caucus, 2/7/05]

- The Bush budget jeopardizes college attendance for more than 1 million students, while increasing the cost of college for teachers, military service members and law enforcement officers. The President's FY 06 budget eliminates the GEAR UP, Talent Search and Upward Bound programs, which ensure that millions of high risk students succeed in high school and move on to college. In addition, despite skyrocketing loan debt President Bush abolishes loan forgiveness for teachers, military service members and law enforcement officers by eliminating the Perkins Loan cancellation program. [House Education and the Workforce Democratic Caucus, 2/7/05]

- President Bush raises taxes on college students. The Bush Budget forces a tax on student loans that would charge students billions in additional taxes over the next ten years. [House Education and the Workforce Democratic Caucus, 2/7/05]

- President Bush eliminates vocational education funding, destroying innovative career and technical education programs for students attending high school and community college. The Bush Budget would eliminate the $1.3 billion vocational education program cutting off a pipeline to job opportunities in emerging fields such as telecommunications and health care for millions of students. The FY 06 Budget Request brings the total amount that President Bush has proposed to cut from job training and vocational education programs since he took office to $3.35 billion. [House Education and the Workforce Democratic Caucus, 2/7/05]

--Maryville College Democrats

Social Security Letter

We will be sending the following letter to Represenative Duncan, Senator Alexander, and Senator Frist. If you would like to add your name on this letter, simply send an email to Alex Youn with the title 'Social Security' with your and MC Box number by Sunday (2.13.2005) and we will take care of the rest!

Dear Representative:

President Bush is claiming a mandate to privatize Social Security. I’m writing to tell you that he has no mandate from me – or from most other Americans – to cut Social Security benefits or add to
America’s financial burdens in order to reward his Wall Street backers with risky private accounts.

I am writing to ask where you stand, and to ask you to declare yourself opposed to Bush’s misguided scheme.

Social Security is a bedrock of American values – ensuring that becoming old in America doesn’t mean becoming poor. The President’s plan to cut guaranteed benefits to funnel Social Security dollars through Wall Street traders is expensive and dangerous – I am calling on you to declare your opposition to it.

I would like you to write me back immediately to answer the following crucial questions:

1) Will you oppose privatizing Social Security in any way? (That means that you will oppose any law that funnels Social Security dollars into risky Wall Street private accounts.)

2) Will you oppose any law that raises the retirement age, cuts guaranteed benefits, and/or adds debt onto the backs of young people and future generations?

I and millions of concerned Americans are gearing up to fight the President’s dangerous plan, and we need to know whether you stand with us or with the Wall Street financial interests who are salivating at the chance to earn millions off of our Social Security.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that under a partially privatized system proposed by Bush’s Social Security commission, a worker who is 34-years-old today would see benefit cuts of 23%, a 24-year-old worker today would see cuts of 30%, and a child born today (2004) would at retirement have a Social Security benefit 45% smaller than current law would provide.

In short, the Bush privatization plan would be yet another economic hardship forced on working families – especially on younger Americans – adding some $2 trillion in debt onto the backs of future generations in just the first 10 years.

Today’s young people rarely have jobs with real pensions, and low wages make it difficult to save for retirement. Please do not undermine the one reliable source of retirement income that for generations has kept most seniors out of poverty.

Please let me know you won’t be an accomplice to undermining the Social Security system.

--Maryville College Democrats

Simlifying College Aid Letter

Reps. Tim Ryan, Rahm Emanuel, and George Miller are sponsoring a bill in the House of Representatives that will simplify the college aid application process. It is that same boring thing that we all have to fill out for Financial Aid every year (FAFSA). We are writing a letter to Congressman Duncan asking for his support for this legislation as well as his stance. If you would like to have your name added to the letter, simply send an email to Alex Youn with the title 'Simplifying College Aid' with your and MC Box number by Sunday (2.13.2005) and we will take care of the rest!

Dear Congressman Duncan:

As college students, we fully understand how frustrating it is to apply for finical aid. We urge you to support legislation being proposed by Reps. Tim Ryan, Rahm Emanuel, and George Miller to further simplify the college aid application process.

It is ludicrous that families need to fill out a complicated, 100-plus question form to apply for college assistance, while large corporations use a 13-question form to apply for million dollar Export-Import bank loans. Breaking down barriers to help American families send their children to college is vital to the future of this country.

Not only would we like your support behind this legislation, but we would like to know your stance on the issue as well.

As your constituents, we look forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

--Maryville College Democrats

February 08, 2005

New Constitution

We will have to adopt a Constitution for the Student Activities Office since our 'organization folder' has been misplaced. The following constitution has been made by the current executive board and will be voted on at the next meeting (2.22.2005). The formatting is a little messed up in some areas (we are trying to get used to ‘Blogging’) so forgive us. Email us with any questions, concerns or comments.

--Maryville College Democrats

Constitution of the Maryville College Democrats

In order to promote a better America with equality, opportunity, and freedom within a just and strong society, we dedicate ourselves to organizing the participation of Democratic college students at Maryville College. In this mission, we call for full participation of all Maryville College students regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, physical handicap, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.

Understanding the importance of participation in the Democratic Party to the preservation of our values and principles, we, Democratic college students, do hereby associate ourselves and adopt this Constitution as the Maryville College Democrats.

Article 1: Name and Purpose
A: Name: The name of this organization shall be the Maryville College Democrats, hereafter referred to in this document as the “College Democrats”.

B: Purpose: The College Democrats pledges itself to support the philosophy and candidates of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, the College Democrats declares its intention to support all efforts to increase the participation of college students in Democratic affairs. To these ends, the College Democrats will educate and train its members so that they may be better able to:

1. Educate students about the philosophy of the Democratic Party;

2. Assist in the election of local, state, and national Democratic candidates;

3. Affect political change on the local, state, and national level.

Article 2: Membership

A: Members: Membership in the College Democrats will be open to any college student currently enrolled in Maryville College who wishes to be known as a College Democrat and who has the best interests of the College Democrats and the Democratic Party at heart regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, physical handicap, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.

Article 3: The Executive Board

A: Composition: The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Activities Coordinator, and Communications Director. All positions will be elected at least three (3) academic weeks prior to the Maryville College Student Government Budgetary meeting during the spring term.

B: The Executive Board shall determine the agenda and policy of the College Democrats.

C. Additional Executive Board members maybe nominated by the President and confirmed by two–third (2/3) vote of the Executive Board as necessary.

Article 4: Duties of the Executive Board Positions

A: All Executive Board members must maintain active involvement in all of the College Democrats activities.

B: Duties of the President. The President shall:

1: Be the Chief Executive Officer of the College Democrats;

2: Act as the official representative of the College Democrats to other groups and the media;

3: Carry out the mandates, policies, and directives of the Executive Board;

4: Approve expenditures with Treasurer and Faculty advisor after discussion with executive board;

5: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

6: Preside over all meetings of the College Democrats and Executive Board.

C: Duties of the Vice President. The Vice President shall:

1: Assist the President in the performance of his or her duties, including brainstorming ideas and evaluating the progress of the Executive Board and organization as a whole;

2: Act as President when the President is unable to perform his or her duties;

3: Assume the office of the President upon the President’s death, resignation, removal, or inability to perform duties with approval of two–third (2/3) vote by the Executive Board;

4: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

5: Take on projects of his or her choosing.

D: Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall:

1: Record minutes at executive and general meetings and have them available in a week’s time;

2: Produce updates on club activities in a timely manor;

3: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

4: Perform such duties as the Executive Board may appropriate;

5: Take on projects of his or her choosing.

E: Duties of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:

1: Direct fundraising activities and prepare all grants;

2: Manage the bank account and budget;

3: Report balance and payments at executive and general meetings;

4: Approve expenditures with President and Faculty advisor after discussion with executive board;

5: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

6: Perform such duties as the Executive Board may appropriate;

7: Take on projects of his or her choosing.

F: Duties of the Membership Director. The Membership Director shall:

1: Keep a current listing of contact information of all members;

2: Promote membership for the College Democrats;

3: Make a strong effort to recruit a diverse membership that accurately reflects the Maryville College population;

4: Responsible for securing volunteers when need;

5: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

6: Perform such duties as the Executive Board may appropriate;

7: Take on projects of his or her choosing.

G: Duties of the Activities Coordinator. The Activities Coordinator shall:

1: Ensure the College Democrats maintains a full schedule for members and the greater campus community;

2: Responsible for securing venues for various events;

3: Manage events with other organizations in hopes to promote a sense of community;

4: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

5: Performs such duties as the Executive Board may appropriate;

6: Take on projects of his or her choosing.

H: Duties of the Communications Director. The Communications Director shall:

1: Coordinate all publicity activities;

2: Notify media of all events of the College Democrats in an attempt to ensure media coverage;

3: Attend meetings and functions of the Maryville College Democrats;

4: Perform such duties as the Executive Board may appropriate;

5: Take on projects of his or her choosing.

Article 5: Elections

A: Elections shall occur at least three (3) academic weeks prior to the Maryville College Student Government Budgetary meeting during the spring term.

B: Eligibility to run for a position:

1. Must be a current College Democrat member;

2. Have a semester worth of membership;

C: Ballots: One vote per person per election.

D: Procedure: Candidates are nominated directly before their election by a College Democrats Member one (1) meeting before the election. The Election will be held at the next meeting with the following guidelines:

1. Speech length: President – Four (4) minutes; Vice President – Three (3) minutes; Other – Two (2) minutes;

2. Question & Answer: President – Seven (7) minutes; Other – Five (5) minutes;

3. Candidates statement: Candidates will have the option of submitting a written statement to the Communications Director. The Communications Director will be in charge of sending the submitted statements 5 days prior to the election meeting;

4. Voting shall occur by three (3) forms:

a. Members will have the option to vote in person following the election meeting by secret ballot;

b. An electronic ballot maybe be requested from the Faculty Advisor(s) in the likelihood a College Democrats member will not be able to attend the election meeting one academic week prior to the election meeting. The College Democrat member will have the opportunity to submit their ballot via email over a twenty-four (24) hour time frame;

c. In the event that a College Democrat’s member can not attend the election meeting and does not feel comfortable submitting an electronic ballot, that member may then request to vote in person by secret ballot one academic week prior to the election meeting by Faculty Advisor(s);

d. In the event that a College Democrat member is unable to vote, they shall vote within a forty-eight (48) hour period from the election meeting with approval from the Membership Director.

5. All vote counting will be done by the Faculty Advisor(s) and two members of the Executive Board;

6. Declaration of the results must be done within a week of the vote in the form of a meeting or through email.

Article 6: Removal

A: Cause for removal: Cause for removal shall be defined as inability or unwillingness to perform such duties assigned by the Executive Board, or as ineligibility for Executive Board membership pursuant to Article 3. Cause for removal shall also include grounds found by two–third (2/3) members of the Executive Board to constitute good and sufficient cause.

B: Process for removal: To begin the process for removal, another member of the Executive Board must charge the officer with the reasons for his or her removal publicly at a meeting of the Executive Board. The officer in question must be offered an opportunity to defend himself or herself at that meeting. After a period of two weeks the issue shall be put to a vote. Two-third (2/3) of the members of the Executive Board must vote for removal for an officer to be removed.

Article 7: Vacancies

A: Declaration of vacancy: A vacancy shall be declared when a member of the Executive Board dies, resigns, or is removed from office. If the vacancy occurs in an Executive Board position other than the President, a special members meeting will be called for an election as described in Article 5 for the vacancy. If the vacancy is the President, then the Vice-President shall automatically be the replacement.

Article 8: Amendments

A: Procedure: The Constitution can be amended by a two–third (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board with two–third (2/3) approval by College Democrats members as described in Article 2. Amendments must be submitted to Executive Board and College Democrat members fifteen (15) days before the Amendment meeting. At the Amendment meeting, copies must be provided for all College Democrat members for final review.

B: Voting: All voting will occur by secret ballot by only those members present at the Amendment meeting. All vote counting will be done by the Faculty Advisor(s) and two (2) members of the Executive Board. Declaration of the results must be done within a week of the vote in the form of a me

eting or through email.

February 07, 2005

We Will Use Our Voice

Alright, the election is over with and so is the mourning. It is time to get back where we left off--making sure that the Republican Party is held accountable for their actions.

Only a couple of days into his second term, President Bush has made Social Security an issue that he has gone so far to call a ‘crisis.’ However, the fact remains that there is no crisis. Keep in mind this is the same President that lead us to Iraq searching for weapons of mass destruction when there were none.

Social security is meant to be secure. However, the Bush administration would rather gamble with our retirement by placing it in the stock market. Anyone who trusts the stock market for their retirement should strongly reconsider such companies as Enron and WorldCom who went bankrupt because of corporate scandals under the Bush administration’s watch where it seems there is no accountability.

In the most recent budget proposal from the White House, President Bush broke his promies on Pell Scholarships again--falling nearly $1,000 short of his $5,100 pledge. President Bush's budget breaks his promise to provide a $5,100 Pell scholarship, only increasing the maximum Pell by $100 this year, falling nearly $1000 short of his promise to students.

So why all this talk after the election is over? There are still 55 Million people that did not vote for this administration and have a right to voice their opinion. All of the work did not stop on Election Day--this is when the real work begins.

Starting February 8, 2005, the Maryville College Democrats will meet in Bartlett 101 @ 5:00pm every other Tuesday. Join us for discussion and good ol' Politicking.

--Maryville College Democrats